How to start your spiritual practice

How to start your Spiritual Practice
How do you begin your spiritual practice in the morning? Lately I’ve been studying the different ways people get up early and begin their day all centered and ready to go. @Hal Elrod who wrote, “The Morning Miracle” suggests the following: Silence/Meditation, affirmations, visualizations, exercise, read and journal all before 8 am.
How to start your Spiritual Practice

How to start your morning Spiritual Practice

How do you begin your spiritual practice in the morning?  Lately I’ve been studying the different ways people get up early and begin their day all centered and ready to go.  @Hal Elrod who wrote, “The Morning Miracle” suggests the following:  Silence/Meditation, affirmations, visualizations, exercise, read and journal all before 8 am

I must admit I’m a night owl.  My spiritual practice is called, “Do what you can to the best of your ability and add more as you are able and willing to change your daily schedule to accommodate your need for spiritual awakening and a peace of mind.”

I set my alarm two hours early.  It goes off at 7 am.  I turn on Deepak Chopra’s 21-day abundance meditation, (free on Youtube) which I think I’ve been through about seven or eight times now, (I’ve lost count) to center my mind on abundance and prosperity and definitely gratitude for another day.  Then I go into the bathroom for a shower and I read the “Daily Word”, which a daily reading of some spiritual perspective ranging in topics from peace, power, dreams, kindness to name a few examples.  There are many kinds of daily readers that will help get into the right mindset.

I have an affirmation near my bed so when I wake up, I read it and remind myself of what I want for my life.   Notice I said one affirmation.  If you get too many the clutter of the reminders gets too much. 

I read at night instead of watching TV.  And I’m starting to get outside and get a walk in every day.  Audio books and podcasts are fabulous because I can be inspired while I’m walking, it keeps me company and I get exercise too!

Before I go to sleep, I give thanks for another day, my family, prayers of healing for my friends and family.  And most importantly tell my mind to be quiet now.  It’s time for peace and quiet and I will get back to you in the morning.

Be careful not to run into the idea of trying to be “Spiritually perfect” and follow a strict spiritual practice.   I take a day off some days and indulge in watching Netflix and call it a pajama day.  I don’t follow any protocol unless I want to and let myself be habit free for a day.  Then I’m ready to get back to my spiritual practice the next day having given myself a break from the routine.

My favorite journal exercise is a God letter.  Write a letter to God, Spirit, Universe, (whatever you believe in), in your journal and tell God what’s on your heart.  Then write, Dear (Your name) and write whatever comes to mind.  I noticed that when I do this letter, I feel like I’ve been heard and the answer and reassurance comes back to me from my own wisdom.  I’m less stressed about whatever I was worrying about and I know everything is going to be alright.

Finally, take a step at a time as you develop your spiritual practice.  I noticed as I mastered one habit, adding another one wasn’t so difficult and the best part?  A peace of mind and a feeling of being centered and ready to start my day makes a world of difference.  Now onto healthy eating!

MaSanda LaRa Gadd is a Spiritual Life Coach.  She facilitates Meditation Healing Circles every Wednesday from 5:30 pm (PT) to 7:30 pm.  And coming up on March 15 she presenting a FREE Spiritual Transformation Week – “Awaken Your Power to Heal”  learning about Awakening, Power, Healing, Stillness, and Self-Love.  Go to to learn more and register.    

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