MaSanda LaRa Gadd

Spiritual Life Coach

Revealing Your Greatness

Revealing the greatness that you already are is the easy part of my work as a Spiritual Life Coach.  Reminding you to listen to your soul’s purpose and grace for your life is the spiritual work that is up to you.

I have been a Spiritual Life Coach for 30 years  and in my work we talk about belonging, self-esteem and self-worth, health, new beginnings, challenges and triumphs.  In our coaching sessions together I help you develop a spiritual practice that will support the life you are yearning for and take you into a deeper spiritual immersion to reveal your dreams and goals for your life.

We gather as a community at a Spiritual Retreat once a year to recommit to the promises we made for our lives and keep moving onward with love and support for each other.

And we meet in Meditation Healing Circles every month to maintain that sense of awareness and spiritual practices.

If you are interested in taking your life to the next level of spiritual awareness, contact me and we can talk about your needs for your life now.

MaSanda LaRa Gadd
If your ready to begin I’d like to help.  Let’s start with a 30 minute assessment call.
Complete this form and I will respond within 24 business hours.  I look forward to hearing from you.