Nothing is ever wasted in Your Life

Nothing is ever Wasted in your Life Wow! What a concept! If nothing is ever wasted in your life then you have to give up regrets, disappointments, sadness, fear, judgement, and the thought that time is flying by and your life will end with too many regrets to mention.

Nothing is ever Wasted in Your Life

Wow!  What a concept!  If nothing is ever wasted in your life then you have to give up regrets, disappointments, sadness, fear, judgement, and the thought that time is flying by and your life will end with too many regrets to mention.

Entrepreneur Pedro Adao recently did a talk about nothing is wasted in life.   He said if nothing is ever wasted in your life it will eliminate analysis paralysis when making choices for your life.  He was not afraid to fail and makes decisions faster knowing nothing is wasted in his life.

Often when I come home from work my granddaughter is ready to play which we do for several hours before she goes to bed.  I wouldn’t trade this time for anything even though I know there are things I should be doing like writing this blog.  Nothing is ever wasted time.

What are some areas of your life that you have been holding onto that keeps holding you back from moving forward?   Is your age getting in the way of living a life you love?  Like, for example, “It’s too late for me”, “that ship has sailed”, “why would I want to start something now? “Why wouldn’t you?  Why wouldn’t you serve at the highest level that your life is calling you to contribute?  Because sometimes playing with my granddaughter is more important that getting out there and helping people.  Her little life is so precious I’m keeping that moment to be with her for as long as I can.  So, if nothing gets wasted in my life.   I’ll get to this blog written in the perfect time and the message I send will make a difference in its own time.

What regrets and disappointments do you need to release in order to live a life you love?  What do you need to give up in order to free yourself from self-doubt and worry about how you have run your life and the higher power that guides you every day?  What would it be like to be free to be you and do whatever your heart’s desire is in the moment and call it good and very good?

Time is a tricky thing.  It never stops.  It’s constantly moving.  We are constantly moving and changing towards the end of our life.  I’m going to know that I lived a life well lived with so many blessings and grateful for everything I’ve created in this lifetime.  And when I sit and contemplate all of things that have happened in my life, I am so grateful that nothing was wasted.  It was all perfect…   

Now, get out there and live your life with joy and happiness!  Go! Now!  Really, have fun living your life the way your designed it to serve you in the highest and best way possible with a heart full of gratitude.


I have a few more spaces in my Wednesday Healing Circle.  Email me at if you are interested in freeing yourself and allowing yourself to feel, heal and grow. 


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Nothing is ever wasted in Your Life

Nothing is ever Wasted in your Life
Wow! What a concept! If nothing is ever wasted in your life then you have to give up regrets, disappointments, sadness, fear, judgement, and the thought that time is flying by and your life will end with too many regrets to mention.

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