She walked in her Own Time

My granddaughter Nova is 16 months old. Some say she is late to the walking game. She would not walk on demand and she was determined to do it in our own time. And then suddenly one day she decided to start walking for no other reason then she was ready for the next step…

She walked in her Own Time

My granddaughter Nova is 16 months old.  Some say she is late to the walking game.  She would not walk on demand and she was determined to do it in our own time.  And then suddenly one day she decided to start walking for no other reason then she was ready for the next step…

In my Meditation Healing Circle this week we have been talking about turning things over to a higher power to guide your life.  And most were struggling with the concept of if I turn it over who is going to pay the bills, clean the house, repair this or that etc?  It’s also the notion that we have to use our minds to create what we want and control every little detail to make it happen.

I’ve been reading, “The Knowing” by Saje Dyer and Serena Dyer Pisoni daughters of Wayne Dyer an esteemed Spiritual teacher.  He passed away in 2015 and up until his death he talked about moving to the next level of existence and using “The Knowing” to guide your life.  His daughters have a motto, if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change…  In the study of quantum physics which has proven that at the subatomic level, the act of observing a particle changes the way the particle acts…” So, it is not a stretch to believe that when we change how we look at a situation, the situation will literally change.  This is the same as the simple truth that until you are ready to receive a lesson, it doesn’t matter how many times you hear that lesson in a thousand different ways.  You must be in alignment with what that lesson is trying to teach you in order for the message to stick.  The energy that you bring to each situation you find yourself in determines the outcome you ultimately experience.”

What if you release and let go and let the divine plan that is you emerge on its own?  Easier said then done because the mind would like to remain the master not the servant of your life.  What if you turned it around and made choices for your life based on your intuition and gut reactions to the things happening in your life?  What if with every situation you make a soul choice instead of a mind decision?

Your experiment this week is to take a walk, meditate, listen to music and contemplate the soul choices that would be beneficial to your life.  Turn it over to a higher power greater than yourself and see if it changes the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.

And when you are ready you will walk in your own time in your own way.  Love yourself right where you are.   This is a Spiritual practice.

This week Awaken Your Power to Heal.  I have a few spots available in my Wednesday Meditation Healing Circle.  Please email me at if you need support in transforming your life and join a community of people who are seeking a greater yet to be and you ought to have it too. 

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