Mental Health Awareness Everyday

Stressed out
It’s okay to feel your feelings. Really, it’s okay not be fine, and try and put on a happy face when you really feel psst off and frustrated. It’s okay to seek help to be heard and understood and find tools to help you through your feelings.
Stressed out

Mental Health Awareness Everyday

It’s okay to feel your feelings.  Really, it’s okay not be fine, and try and put on a happy face when you really feel psst off and frustrated.  It’s okay to seek help to be heard and understood and find tools to help you through your feelings.

It’s okay to feel your feelings and hear the message your body is wanting to communicate to you about your life.  You are loved.  You matter.  This fear feeling is temporary.  This too shall pass.  Take a breath.  Start again.  Find a compassionate friend who will listen and not try to fix you. 

It’s okay feel your feelings.  Can we make that a national holiday and celebrate that idea of feeling your feelings every day?  We would move mountains if expressing your mental health as a way of being was the natural course of living.

In my Meditation Healing Circle we talk about clearing conversations.  It’s when you have an upset about a person, or situation and you need to speak your truth so you can move on with your life instead of holding onto anger or frustration or judgment.   If you have a conflict with someone and you go back to have a clearing conversation it’s the art of undefended listening.  Even though the person is saying things that may hurt your feelings, it’s allowing them to express their feelings and clear it.  And then it’s your turn to do the same.  And then move on to create a new possibility in the space of a clear slate.

It’s okay to take a moment and feel your feelings.  Where is it located in your body?  How much does it weigh?  Is it warm or cool?  Allowing yourself to feel the feeling, ask – what is the message you want me to hear?  Listen and let go.  Take a deep breath and see how you feel.  Freedom emerges in the allowing of feeling the feeling… It’s that simple.

Mental Health Awareness should be our number one priority to a happy life.  Let’s live it together.

I have a few more spaces in my Wednesday Healing Circle.  Email me at if you are interested in freeing yourself and allowing yourself to feel, heal and grow. 


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