Meditation Healing Circles
A Meditation healing circle is a safe place to gather and fully express yourself and your feelings about what’s going on in your life right now, it’s a place to be heard and acknowledged for the work you are doing to transform your life. It also becomes a powerful spiritual community of like-minded people doing the work of healing and transformation.
We begin with a centering meditation to get present and let go of the day. We then set an intention for healing and review the previous week’s experiment. The experiment will relate to what’s going on in the group and usually a theme emerges And then we close with a brief meditation and journaling.
Every six months we plan a two day retreat to deepen our spiritual journey.
Come join us for this enriching and fulfilling time to be together during this challenging time. We need to be in spiritual community as we navigate these uncertain times and find a peace of mind.
Next step: Schedule a 1:1 session with MaSanda to see if you ready to join the circle and define your needs.
A Women’s Meditation Healing Circle
We meet the first and third Wednesday from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm PACIFIC time/8:30 pm-10:30 pm EASTERN time.
The intention of this circle is to create a life you love. There is a weekly experiment that will relate to what’s going on in your life and usually a theme emerges like healing self-doubt, obstacles to loving yourself, and healing relationships to name a few examples. And then we close with a guided meditation.
This is an online group.
Once you are registered, you will receive access information.
Each Circle will be limited to 10 people.
Call to schedule your discovery session with MaSanda today.